Narrowing of the vagina and Beauty
Reform relaxes the pelvic floor area of operations (Althbith)
-amilit Beauty majora vagina Labioplasty
1 Enlarge labia: major injection fatty tissue to enlarge.
2. Decrease labia Minor.
3. Minimize the major labia and tighten.
- Liposuction of the pubic area and downsizing.
Rehabilitation of the clitoris and reveled
-twhit Genital area
-amlah Enlarge the G Spot to increase sexual pleasure.
Operations narrow and beautify the vagina: (Vaginal Tightening Surgery)
Usually after birth exposed vaginal muscles for relaxation and leading to a sense of the expansion of the vaginal area and dissatisfaction during intercourse from both parties to the process of this kind of operation is designed to increase the strength of the muscles of the vagina stretched by pulling the supporting tissue of the vagina
What type of anesthesia is required?
Can be anesthetized patient in two ways
1. General anesthetic G.A
2. topical anesthetic LA based on the patient's desire
How long does the process of narrowing and beautification of the vagina?
Process usually takes an hour and a time can be less than that or more depending on the type of operation
- How is the length of stay in the hospital after the operation?
For most patients for 24 hours after the operation be enough and the patient is out of the hospital the next day
- What for review and follow-up after the operation?
This is usually arranged with the patient before the operation and in most cases, be the first revision after the operation within two weeks from the date of the operation
How much is the expected duration of soluble stitches after the operation?
The expected duration of 7-21 days after operation
When possible to refer to the practice of routine activities?
Wound healing does not fully be 3 months from the date of the operation before but can exercise some light daily activities after a week from the date of the operation As for intercourse permitted by usually after 4-6 weeks
What if I got carried after a narrow and beautify the vagina?
Usually recommended if received after the download process to be birth by Caesarean section so as not to affect the results of the previous process (process narrowing the vagina)
Reform relaxes the pelvic floor area of operations (Althbith): Pelvic floor relaxation - Prolapse
The so-called pelvic floor area (pelvic floor) is a set of muscles in the pelvic area capable of in the normal position to support and raise the bowel and bladder, uterus, vagina and when these muscles lose support property said to be satisfactory (relaxed), resulting in the future if not addressed to called Balthbit Prolapse
What are the factors leading to the relaxation of the pelvic muscles?
Althbith very common, especially in women who provide them old and can be Althbith is associated with symptoms or pain is the most important factors leading to this situation
1. repeated births
2. menopause (menopause) and this is due to the low level of estrogen in the body, leading to a weakening of the supporting tissue of the pelvic region and vagina
What are the common types of Althbith?
There are many types of which it is possible to present more than one type at the same time
1. Thbith bladder and urethra cystocele urethrocele
2. Thbith urethra urethrocele
3. Thbith the back wall of the vagina rectocele enterocele
4. Thbith uterus uterine prolapse
What are the signs and symptoms associated with Thbith?
Common symptoms are:
1. feeling of heaviness and swelling in the vaginal area and that something embarrassing from the vagina something coming down
2. pain in the lower back
3. Some women complain of an inability to control urine especially when you sneeze or cough stress incontinence, especially if the cervix is weak bladder
4. If Althbith in the back wall of the vagina can be the lady from the inability to empty the rectum of stool fully suffer
5. Feeling expansion of the vaginal area, leading to discomfort during intercourse
6. In some cases in which the cervix is outside the vaginal opening suffer from Ms. ulcers and bleeding and infections in the region, the phenomenon of the cervix
What are the methods used treatment?
There are two types of treatment depends on the type and degree of Althbith
A non-surgical treatment of this type of treatment is in very simple cases
1. exercises tighten the pelvic muscles Pelvic floor Exercises
2. plastic ring Ring pessary and is placed by the treating physician and placed in the vaginal area and are changed by a doctor every 4-6 months
B surgical treatment:
C depends on the type and degree of Althbith If not accompany the ability to control urine Stress incontinence
1. reform front Althbith and raise bladder Anterior repair
2. reform Althbith background Posterior repair
3. hysterectomy with Althbith repair front and rear, and these operations take place in cases where the cervix and uterus out of the vaginal opening
Beauty labia operations:
Patients who are candidates for these operations:
First, with a plus for the length of the blades which leads to sensitivity and redness in the region and a feeling of discomfort when having sex life (intercourse)
What is the goal of these operations:
1.aslah Ochqqat get any deformation in the region either congenitally or from previous births
2.aslah expansion and elongation resulting also repeated birth
3.aslah unequal length of the labia minora
4.altkulail of excess fat in the pubic area.
5. augmentation labia
6. Minimize labia operations
A -amilit enlarge labia
Usually resort to these processes in women who have lost significant weight, which led to Atralat in the region or with age and that leads to reduce the thickness of the region and strong paper and place these processes by taking the fatty tissue from elsewhere in the body such as the pubic or abdomen and re-injected and distributed in this region the so-called re-fatty tissue cultivation and Trgiah
(B) reduce the size of labia
Can usually there is a difference in the size, shape and color of the labia to another lady also said in the same Ms. possible that there will be differences from time to time and usually results from this birth or changes with age and weight
- What are the controls that prevent the conduct of these operations
The presence of disease in the genital infections and diseases such as cancer in the region
Who are the women who need to hold these operations
-1 which has a congenital defect in the region
2-cases where the mixing of sex between male and female in the same person
3. ruptures caused by birth
4. Age changes or after accidents and injuries
There are several ways to conduct such operations, including:
1. remove the sides and through the cut and re Khiatha together, but this way is to get rid of the natural wrinkles in the area which are trotted out for some couples
2. Using the full shear zone Iikhneh and reshape the region
3. Using Laser
Things resulting after these operations
1. Statistics and potential pain and usually need a simple analgesic pain
2. does not need to cover the process
3. swelling and swelling in the region could get no need to worry
4 blood clot next few parties dissolved areas could get
Features of these operations: farewell to decode the stitches to dissolve it alone melt and not change in the sense in the region
3.balamkan refer to the practice of sexual life after 4 weeks
4.balamkan shower and return to the practice of daily life on the second day
Liposuction of the pubic area and downsizing
The goal of such operations is to reshape the region and this by reducing the amount of fat accumulated in the region and could be made of these operations under local anesthesia or general, which take the time around the clock and are removing fatty tissue using Alkhguen that are used in a process of withdrawal of fat from elsewhere in the body after the withdrawal of fat is closing holes strings that melt alone usually leave very small and not painful scar in these processes personal hygiene is very, very important so that he should take a bath every day and clean the area and sterilized twice a day
You abstain from sexual intercourse for 6 weeks after cosmetic procedures for the region
The aim of these operations is to restore the region thinner and smoother and smaller with the repair of the effects of age on them.
Pubic area genital area
Pubic area genital mutilation and the region consisting of the labia, which function not to mention the sexual function is to preserve and protect the most sensitive areas of the body such as the clitoris, slot urinary and genital aperture.
- And usually increase the size of the labia large degrees of possible lead to a defect in the function as well as the difficulty in maintaining the cleanliness
- As the defect in shape also lead to a lack of confidence in breathing and thus fix it leads to increased confidence and sexual appearance and sexual relationship in men and women
- That the female genital area of more areas that need care and attention where it's not only responsible for procreation, but the emotional and sexual relationship that lead to self-promote full confidence
Reform of the clitoris and reveled
Usually women who have a problem with an increase of the skin above the clitoris area, which lead to increase the size of the region, in some cases to irritation from clothing or during sexual intercourse and sometimes face problems in the performance of even aerobics, not suits swimming and other Hola women could resort to conduct such cosmetic processes aim of this re-esteem and especially sexual and emotional trust and confidence are the removal of excess skin folds and slightly raise the clitoris, which also helps to reach sexual ecstasy, especially the women who rely on the clitoris.
What should I do after the operation:
1. Strict hygiene is essential and need to clean up the area and sterilized after each use of the bath
2. some painkillers position possible to benefit
3. The use of topical antibiotic to the area on a daily basis
Bleaching genital area:
Emery genital area and then Bleached.
Madam please do not the embarrassment of telling your doctor about these problems, which could lead to obstacles in your own life and the things that treated most often is when the doctor where he always tries to guide you to the right and appropriate for you the way.
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